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Hair Restoration Through PRP

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What is PRP?

(Platelet-Rich Plasma)


Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a form of regenerative medicine that harnesses and amplifies the natural growth factors found in our blood cells to help heal damaged tissue.

Why PRP?

  • Non-surgical and Minimally Invasive: 

PRP treatments are outpatient procedures that do not require surgery.

  • Natural Results: 

Since PRP uses your body's own growth factors, the results appear natural and gradual over time. 

  • Minimal Downtime:

Patients can resume their regular activities immediately after the procedure. 

  • Tailored Treatment Plans:

Each PRP treatment plan is personalized to meet the unique needs of the patient ensuring optimal results.

How Does PRP Work?

  • Stimulation of hair follicles:

The growth factors in PRP stimulate dormant or weakened hair follicles, promoting hair growth and improving the overall health of existing hair.


  • Increased Blood Flow:

PRP injections enhance blood circulation to the scalp, delivering vital nutrients and oxygen to hair follicles for improved hair health.


  • Collagen Production:

Collagen synthesis is stimulated, improving the thickness and quality of the hair shaft.


What Can I Expect During the PRP Treatment?

​3. Preparation of PRP:

The extracted PRP is then prepared for injection, creating a concentrated solution of growth factors and platelets.


​4. Injection into the scalp: 

After a numbing cream is applied to the scalp, a fine needle is used to inject the PRP directly into the areas experiencing hair thinning or loss.

​1. Blood Draw:

A small blood sample is drawn from your arm similar to a routine blood test.

2. Centrifugation:

The blood sample is placed in a centrifuge, a machine that spins rapidly to separate its components.  This process isolates the platelet-rich plasma from other blood components.


Who is PRP for?

  • Individuals experiencing hair loss or thinning

  • Those with androgenetic alopecia (genetic hair loss)

  • Individuals with alopecia areata (patchy hair loss)

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